Machine Learning

@Speed of Thought

Scalable GPU Machine Learning Tools and Algorithms


Machine and deep learning algorithms built for NVIDIA hardware that provide near instaneous response times for web-sites. We also provide the queueing, resource allocation, and other data management features such as automatic classification tuned for enterprise and customer data to provide interactive user experiences.


We have experience in and have applied machine learning technologies in the health care (mental health), finance and enterprise network intrusion spaces. Our network intrusion use case was trained and validated from the academic KDD dataset. Performance results were nearly a million predictions per second with 79% accuracy.

In the lab...

We are experimenting with user interfaces that combine geopatial knowledge along with machine learning to further explore the idea of speed of thought discovery and analysis. We know that when answers to complex questions are provided instantaneously, that we empower the user with capabilities that have not been available before.